I have done one week on my 'maintenance' POWERbreathe regime and it has been a slightly odd adjustment process. Not having to use the product everyday makes me a little bit sad, I get to my desk and look at the K5, staring back at me, untouched, and I am sure I can almost hear it crying out to be used!!
Enough of the soppy story around the K5, I have been thinking this week about whether my breathing has felt any different since I have stopped training twice a day, and I do not believe that it has. I try and use the POWERbreathe after a heavy run, when I am already fatigued, so I get the most out of the session, and the training is still hard but I do not feel as though I have lost any 'power'!
The test results have been a few 'points' lower than my maximum which I achieved last week but all in all not too bad.
I am looking forward to taking the POWERbreathe out to Portugal with Full Potential on our training camp to show to everyone and get some runners using the product for the first time, that should be fun.
Short and sweet this week, just how all blogs should be!